Wednesday 4 February 2009

I guess this is Act 2 of, which is the blog I rarely updated in 2005. I haven't looked at it for years so it seems pointless to attempt a resurrection at this stage. I doubt I will be updating this one overmuch either, but it feels like I should have one going anyway. Perhaps I shall use it to document creative endeavours.

I had a nosebleed in the shower earlier. My tummy was streaked with red and the shower curtain was stained orange. I couldn't think what else to do so I stood there, nude and bleeding, and waited for it to come to its natural conclusion. It was a lot like being in Psycho only less stabby.

1 comment:

  1. haha, I love that bit about the nosebleed. I get them when I'm hot sometimes, less so these day. x
